Ahmad Al Sayyed

Personal Website

  • IT Service Management and Business Requirements

    Has ITSM’s time arrived? A couple of years before terms such as “Cloud”, “Big Data” and “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) occupied the lexicon of IT publications and vendor marketing machines, the discipline of “Business Service Management” (BSM) captured many column inches. The concept at the heart of BSM was to ensure that the IT
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  • Putting ‘I’ back in ‘CIO’

    Nice sound bite, but does the spirit make sense? On  a few occasions recently I have heard presenters on stage remind their audience of the fact that the ‘I’ in ‘CIO’ stands for ‘Information’, the premise being that we all appear to have forgotten this over the years with a shift in focus to technology.
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  • Focus on business challenges, not technology innovations

    The IT industry really does bring out the best and worst traits of human nature. Were we always quite so excitable about the latest big thing? It is difficult to tell, as historical records don’t  tend to preserve the glee reserved for all things new and improved, whether or not they have any long-term advantage. This
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  • What personality is your IT department?

    The personality of an IT department is multi-dimensional……. Over the years I’ve spent quite a lot of time thinking about the idea of IT maturity models – which are great in principle, but, to be frank, a bit of a blunt instrument when it comes to gauging reality. Many IT organisations are quite comfortable where
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